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Business continuity and recovery

Huicheng vacuum has made great efforts to ensure continuous operation and will continue to supply products to customers in case of any business interruption. Sustainability and recovery plans are as important as emergency and crisis response plans.

The objective of the sustainability and recovery plan is to provide a response framework to be adopted in the event of a major disruption to operations or supply chain. Once these plans take effect, a vacuum can quickly ensure the continuity of customer service and supply, as well as the rapid recovery of its own operation and supply chain.

The sustainability and recovery plan is implemented through the following processes:

• understand key business processes to highlight important dependencies

• analyze the business impact of adverse consequences and develop strategies for predictable disruption

• plan for continuity and recovery in the event of adverse consequences

• maintain these plans through testing and periodic audits.

"Analysis" and "plan" are the two most difficult stages to implement. Therefore, we have developed a planning tool to help its implementation. However, for organizations, "maintenance" plan is often the most challenging work. It requires the long-term efforts of the business manager. Every year, the plan is reviewed and tested.

To ensure the achievement of the above objectives, Huicheng vacuum requires all business departments to implement the planning work as a formal management activity. Continuity and recovery plans must also be consistent with other incident response plans, such as emergency and incident management plans.

In these cases, it is also important to clarify the responsibilities of each employee. The sustainability and recovery plan defines the responsibilities of key personnel, including managers and employees and others with specific responsibilities.

In addition, the integration vacuum requires a formal project process to develop an effective plan, which includes the appointment of project sponsor, confirmation of project owner, definition of scope, setting of objectives, organization of team and development of project schedule.

We have developed plans for all key business units that affect the ongoing operation and maintenance of customer supply, including major offices, sales order centers, major computer / data centers, manufacturing operations and major warehousing and logistics stations. Now we are trying to apply these plans to the central software tools to improve the visibility and management of this activity.

Our goal is to ensure that Huicheng can resume business quickly and effectively after a serious interruption, which will reduce the impact on customers and shorten the time required for Huicheng vacuum to resume normal operation.

The implementation of these programs will not only have a direct impact on our customers, but also win respect and loyalty from employees, regulators, partners and stakeholders.